Saturday, October 27, 2012

V & F is a Ministry, by Sally

In case you were not quite sure, Vessels and Flowers is a ministry.  It is information about how we are created by God.

He created us each in a unique way.  Many decisions were made when He created us in the womb.  The family we were born into, the color of our hair, the color of our eyes, etc., etc.  God decided also what temperament we would be and how we would function.  That is what Vessels and Flowers is all about.

It was never meant to be just an instruction book of unique information.  Our emphasis has always been to be thankful to God and to honor Him by His love for us and unique way He designed us. 

It is a ministry to help, especially women, to know that even though we are unique, there are others that have the same temperament and the same function.  It was written to help us to understand ourselves better.  Over the years we have had so many testimonies of women that felt so isolated and were shocked that there are other women just like them.

It is a ministry to help us to understand those others that sometimes mystify us.  We don't understand just why they do what they do.  The reason is usually because they are another Vessel or Flower.

And it is a ministry to help us to realize how wonderful God is to lovingly create us especially. 

I repeat.  Vessels and Flowers is a ministry. 

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