Monday, February 21, 2011

A Story About Rejecton, by Sally

I would like to tell you a story about a very dear friend of mine. She is a lovely woman who had earlier been divorced, and is a Velvet Box. Those of you who are not aware of just what a Velvet Box is, need to get your hands on a copy of "Vessels & Flowers" and read about these complicated women.

One morning during Praise and Worship at her church, she was silently crying out to the Lord. Besides the rejection of her divorce, she had of late been rejected in a few relationships. She was trying to sing and participate, but her heart was heavy. All of a sudden, the Lord spoke to her and said, "What you see as rejection, is my protection."

Wow!!! What a lesson from the Lord. So many times, especially we Velvet Boxes, feel so rejected. It is hard for us to see beyond what we are going through and put it into a reasonable perspective. What she was sensing as rejection from others, God was allowing in order to protect this beautiful woman. I am sure that many times we look at what is happening and see it with our natural eyes. But God sees and understands the whole picture.

The lovely part of this story is that while she was going through this, behind her was standing a tall, handsome young man. God worked His perfect will in both of these young people . Awhile later they were married.

And what is so special, is that tall, handsome young man, is my son Keith. This lovely woman, Diana, has become my lovely daughter-in-law. I thank God that He protected her and brought her lovingly into our family. What a blessing.