I would like to take the four letters in the name of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and have them represent the wonders of Mary.
The M of course must be for the fact that Mary was the Mother of Jesus. Motherhood. What a wonderful time in a woman’s life. I wonder if it held all of the beauty and joy for Mary that it does for all mothers.
Some day we will be able to sit down and chat with Mary. We will be able to find out what her life had been like and how she dealt with the joys of motherhood and the agony of the crucifixion. We will be able to hear her own story of the wonder of being the mother of Jesus.
A must be for Mary’s Arms. Not long ago I was holding my little grandson and it brought back many memories of the special feeling of my own sons in my arms.
There are those wonderful times when our children are babies and we can hold them in our arms. Then during the toddler years, even though they sometimes are hard to catch, there is a special feeling of our own children in our arms. I wonder how Mary felt holding Jesus. I wonder if she knew all that lay before Him in His short life.
R is for Resolve. One only has to read the wonderful Scripture in Luke 1:46-56 to see the resolve that Mary had to carry her child and be a mother to her son. While she knew of her son’s position and importance to God the Father, others didn’t.
I wonder how she maintained that resolve to raise Jesus and continually discipline Him. I wonder how she handled her resolve to be loyal and faithful to Jesus, especially during those three years of His public ministry.
I wonder how she handled those awful days of His crucifixion.
And Y represents that fact that Mary was a Youth. She was quite young when Gabriel himself appeared to her. She was quite young when she accepted the responsibility of being the mother of God’s Son. I wonder how she was able to handle all of the stress and possible humiliation of carrying a child while still engaged. I wonder if possibly her youth was a blessing during those years of raising Jesus.
Motherhood. Arms. Resolve. Youth. Mary. At this Christmas time we can all wonder how very delightful it must have been on that Christmas night when the Son of God, Jesus was born into our world to live and then die for each of us so we can become part of God’s family.